Brexit – What does this mean for you?

Ice Roll Pro is a UK based business, but we sell our ice pans to locations all over the world, including one of our primary markets – The EU.

We have great customers in the EU and we make trips to see them regularly. If you’re thinking of starting a rolled ice cream business then get in touch as we can help you with the best equipment on the market!

If you’re based in the EU, you may be wondering if anything has changed due to the UK now no longer being part of the EU. We’re happy to say that we can still supply our world-class ice cream rolls machines to you with no problem! There are a few small changes now:

  • We won’t charge VAT on the sale to you. This means it’s cheaper for you to purchase from us at the point of sale.
  • When your items arrive in your country, you may have to coordinate with the courier company and other organisations to import it. Sometimes this can be very simple. You may have to pay the VAT when it arrives in the country so it can be delivered, it all depends on your country’s processes.

If you’d like more detailed information on a purchase from us, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help you out.

We ❤️ The EU!

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